Friday, October 26, 2007

$8 to climb?

I recently moved back to my hometown crag from a near three year “sabbatical.” During that time I was lucky enough to climb on some of the best rock from the Gunks in New York to Bishop in California. For the last year and a half of that time I have been blessed with SoCal weather and access to tons of great rock and route diversity.

I definitely feel like the different styles I climbed and different rock types, ethics, partners, etc. all helped me improve. However, the move from Cali to Texas definitely didn’t help my endurance. I don’t think I have climbed more than a handful of times in the past three months. I don’t even want to talk about my diet.

Regardless, being back at my hometown crag, where I started climbing, has been great. Not only because I have great local climbing partners and tons of limestone to crawl, but because I get to come back to the rock that I have plateau-ed on so many times with a new skill set and a new, diversified background.

The only bad thing is I think the NY and CA prices followed me back. My once $3 entry fee at the local crag is now a whopping $8. But, it was still worth it.


Texas Transplant said...

Um, have you found yourself a job yet? I'll be in town November 9th-15th and wish to climb so that I don't spend all my money drinking margaritas all day.

blaine said...

quit your whining.. its $8 per car, instead of $5 per person.
buy a year parks pass for $75...

Teddy B said...

I'm from the UK, North Wales. We don't have charging yet but I'm beginning to beieve that we should. Limited resources, much of it on private land - it can't remain free forever. You guys have to pay, and you still climb.

Great blog,

Ted @ http//

Jen Hoover Brady said...

So think of all the money you'll/we'll save by visiting Cali!